Call for Paper

Technical papers are solicited on any subject pertaining to the scope of the conference, which includes, but is not limited to the following major topics:

⮚ Power System and Automation

  • 1. Renewable and sustainable energy applications
  • 2. Smart grid and utility applications
  • 3. HVDC technologies and applications
  • 4. Power system fault simulation and risk assessment
  • 5. Other topics in Power system


⮚ Power Electronics Technology and Application

  • 1. Power Converter Topology
  • 2. Control, modeling, and optimization of power converter
  • 3. Control, modeling and transient stability analysis of grid-connected converter
  • 4. Power semiconductor devices, passive components, packaging, integration, and materials
  • 5. Other topics in power electronics


⮚ Electric Machine Design and Control

  • 1. Electric machine designs
  • 2. Electric machine drives
  • 3. Other topics in electric machines


⮚ High Voltage and Insulation Technology

  • 1. High voltage testing and measurement
  • 2. Sensing, monitoring, and diagnostics
  • 3. Transients, grounding system, and EMC
  • 4. Other topics in high voltage and insulation technology


⮚ Electrotechnical Theory and New Electromagnetic Technology

  • 1. Electrical measurement and intelligent instrument
  • 2. Superconducting
  • 3. Other topics in electrotechnical technology


⮚ High Magnetic Field Engineering and Fusion Technology

  • 1. Fusion and Plasma research
  • 2. Pulsed strong magnetic field technology
  • 3. Other topics in high magnetic field engineering 


Five to seven-page paper due by July 31st, 2024. Online submission is required, and facilities are provided on the website, The paper should be submitted with the corresponding author’s information including full mailing address and e-mail address. The paper should include key equations, figures, tables, and references as appropriate. The conference will feature oral and poster presentations.


The conference guarantees that all accepted paper will be published in the conference proceeding and indexed by IEEE Xplore. Excellent papers will be invited to submit an extended version to IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS.


Paper Submission

Contact Us



Address :Luoyu Road 1037, Wuhan, China
TEL :Mr.Liang +8616643172401、
Mr.Peng +8615027338766


Registration Submit